What is the Foundation’s mission?
The Bolivar Medical Center Foundation’s Mission is to improve the quality of health care provided to the citizens of Bolivar County and to provide instruction to the public on the improvement of personal health, hygiene and safety.
What geographical area does the Foundation serve?
Funds will be granted to qualified organizations with programs benefiting the residents of Bolivar County consistent with the Foundation’s mission statement.
Where should my organization's grant application be mailed?
Please mail your organization's grant application to the following address:
P.O. Drawer 298
Cleveland, MS 38732
How will my organization's grant application be evaluated?
Your Grant will be evaluated, among other criteria, on the following:
- Compatibility of your program/project with the above stated mission.
- Sustainability of both the project and organization
- Track record of organization and quality of personnel
- Collaboration with other community resources.
Can partial funding apply?
The Foundation reserves the right to partially fund any grant request.
What if my organization has received funding in the past?
Prior funding by the Foundation does not guarantee future funding of your project.
What is the timeframe to apply for funding?
Applications must be post marked by May 1st.
When will I know if my organization received funding?
Award letters will be sent on or before August 1st.
What is the timeframe in which grant funding must be applied?
Funds awarded in August must be spent by September of the following year. Funds not properly spent within that time frame must be returned to the Foundation.
Can my organization re-grant funding from the Bolivar Medical Center Foundation?
The Foundation will not grant to organizations that plan to re-grant BMCF’s funds to programs of their own choosing.
If my organization's application is funded, what further documentation is required?
If your application is funded, your organization MUST file quarterly reports on the form provided online verifying how the grant funds are being spent. If you fail to submit quarterly reports, the Foundation reserves the right to seek a return of unaccounted funds.
Is there a set minimum or maximum dollar amount that organizations may ask for in a grant funding request?
No, there is no minimum or maximum grant amount which may be awarded. Organizations are encouraged to evaluate (1) need, (2) other funding sources and (3) the sustainability of the program for the future. After such an evaluation, an organization should only ask for what is necessary for its program or project. Each year the Foundation will evaluate its financial condition and fund grant requests which it deems to be within the Foundation’s mission and worthy of support.